Shooting photo packshot successful: how to prepare it?


Are you thinking of making an appointment for a quality packshot photo shoot ? But

how do you prepare for a photo shoot ?

• Preparation : setting the details

First, you need to define your project and expectations. You can share your ideas with your packshot photographer using a moodboard. If you’re
wondering, what is a moodboard ? A moodboard is a file of images that brings together all of your sources of inspiration in order to clarify your thoughts. This is what will allow you to propose an artistic direction to your packshot photographer.

Before talking about you, it is important that the packshot photographer tell you about himself ! What is their background, experience, values and artistic atmosphere ? The packshot photographer will take the time to discuss your project in order to understand your expectations. He or she will also get to know your brand, your products and your values in order to personalize your packshot.

Beforehand, you must precisely define your target, your objective, the volume of your packshot photos and the maximum budget you wish to spend on them. By providing a detailed brief of your needs and expectations, the photographer will be able to reach
your objective more quickly.

This time of exchange will also allow the elaboration and the presentation of an estimate. This agreement will be concretized by an estimate signed by your photographer and by yourselves before the beginning of work. Before signing, don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have about the services and prices offered !

The packshot photographer will guide you throughout the session, but will of course listen to all your specific requests. Don’t hesitate to discuss
certain details with him before the day of the shoot.

• – Staging the photographed product

The identity of the product is a fundamental element!

Your photo must be able to retranscribe the identity of the product, and therefore, by extension, that of the brand itself

The staging of the product does not only focus on the object itself, but on the whole communication strategy of the brand.

Here, the most important thing is to remain faithful to the product and to the spirit of the brand while enhancing and sublimating it. On the other hand, it is not about disguising it in any way! This is where the talent and creativity of the packshot photographer comes into play. While respecting this reality, he will sublimate a basic product to make it indispensable. If the photo does not correspond to reality, you are sure
to disappoint your client.

• Products in situation and rule of thirds

The rule of thirds is a method to bring out the best inyour products and your customers’ eyes.

In practice, imagine that the frame of your photo is divided into 9 equal segments, materialized by two horizontal lines and two vertical lines.

In photography, as in painting, the subject placed at one of the intersections of these lines is then more emphasized and noticed by the viewer.

Very easy to apply, the rule of thirds is also widely used. It lends itself perfectly to product photography, especially when the products are placed in a situation.

• The close-up

When creating a product packshot, it is important to focus on the details ! Your packshot photographer must ensure that you find something to satisfy your
curiosity and knowledge of details.

When making a purchase, customers pay attention to the photos on the site and analyze the smallest pixels of the images offered. The more details you give
them, the more they will be reassured on the quality of your products and on the conformity of the product to the picture.

To make close-ups, you need to call on a professional packshot photographer who has a camera to make this kind of shot

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